发布时间:2023-04-05 23:05
系统对于喷涂提供四路模拟接⼝ 。 内置标准轨迹模板, 快速⽣成喷涂轨迹。 同时也⽀持⽤户⾃建喷涂轨迹。详见《TK - S80喷涂说明书》
The system provides 4-way analog interface for painting. Built-in standard trace templet. Quickly generate the painting trace.Support user-defined painting trace. For details see CRP-S80 Painting Instructions.
· 模拟量接⼝ Analog Interface
四路模拟量输出, ⽅便控制扇形、雾化、流量、⽓压等喷涂设备。
Four-way analog output, easy to control fan-shaped,
atomization,flow, air pressure or other painting equipments